Stories make the world go around…

Greetings folks, and thanks for stopping by! Yours True-ly will soon be touting the release of the first of my new novels. The Trilogy is called “Brass Jack” and it’s a big ol’ space opera sort of thing, and being published by my friends at Hunt Press. Yay! I also hope to soon have an ongoing audio segment with Krypton Radio, about Storytelling and it’s links to modern media. free tadalafil sample It stimulates nucleic and protein metabolism to boost energy naturally in your body. This levitra 10 mg has resulted in the condition being kept under the tongue and it starts giving benefits. Facts generic viagra without visa about ED According to the studies people consuming overdose get the risk of severe side-effects. While they might think medication is the go-to solution, viagra cheap online there are also several natural impotence issues treats, including lifestyle changes, alleviating stress, or trying a conventional tablet composed of Sildenafil Citrate. I’ll be running around this summer and I’m always up for a bit of storytelling, whether at an SCA campfire, or in a Corporate conference room. I’m looking for help with getting my media house in order (audio files, youtubes, etc,) and if you have some expertise in this, give me a shout.
Have a great summer and drop me a line!
Blessings- True

It’s that time again…St. Patricks!

When Irish eyes are smilin’ and pub owners are a grinnin’. Your’s truly will be at the LA Irish Fair, (with my partner in Rhyme, Bill Howard) the Canoga Park Irish Parade and more. Need some Celtic storytelling at your event? Give me a shout! And check me out on my facebook page, just search True Thomas. Thankfully, prevention techniques of male erectile dysfunction are not hidden generic viagra no prescription go to this site to every male in the UK. Soft tablets- This form female viagra india softly deals with the condition and reconnecting them with their female partner. This does not let the organ to usually in stock viagra 25 mg stiffen itself and get ready for intercourse. One should consult their doctor about the dosage pattern of the pill levitra pill is simple. Also, there are some articles about St. Pat, right here on this very website- enjoy!

The slow roll into the Holi-daze…

Just how much tryptophan can you find in plate full of turkey? How many sighs of contentment from a glass of eggnog with a little fresh ground nutmeg? It’s been a rough year for many. And a lot of people are looking at the holidays with a sad mien. Our budgets are strained, and hand made, gently used items, will be the gift of the day.

As a storyteller, I can tell you that times like these make the sharing of stories all the more important. Our ancestors survived droughts, plagues, and the dire-wolf at the door. If we share our stories, our dreams, and our appreciations of each other, as the Solomon story goes…”this too will pass”. So, I offer this advice for the Holidaze. Sing. Tell stories. Bake, cook, and rather than putting money in a gift card, put the money into the tank of your car, and visit your friends, and family. Life is short, and the Holidays give us a great reason to say “Hey, let’s get together” because we all have people who we wish we saw more of.
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In November I’ll be at the Ventura Tellabration, at the WAV, on the 19th. I hope you can join us. I’m also hoping to have some holiday bookings- if you are having an event and would like some stories and songs, give me a shout! Have a great holiday season, regardless of the craziness of the world. And blessings!

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