Up at the ol’ hitchen post…

So, on friday I headed up to Calamigos ranch up in the Malibu canyon country. Two friends getting married (Steve Cooperman, aka salad boy, or coop-daddy) someone from my Leitch days, and Gina, daughter of a friend who I worked next to at Leitch. I did the priesting, and the site was beautiful. I definetly think they need to have a storytelling festival up there. They’ve got it all. The wedding was gorgeous, Gina was radiant, and Coop did his best to be respectable. I got lot’s of compliments on the ceremony, and JJ and RJ had a good time. Got lost, in the mountains coming out, and when I say mountains, I’m talking little tiny canyon roads, 25 MPH, or take a long walk off the short edge of a cliff, way dark empty roads. Ended up back on Hwy 1, and found the way home. You shouldn’t canada cialis levitra put off helping improve your life qualities by avoiding all types of cardiac disorders and a sudden heart failure. Firstly, Let me clear about what actually impotence is? Impotence is when the man does not face a good and sufficient supply of blood to the penile organ of the man which in turn stimulates sexual feelings, but more than that might found obstacle for the health. http://www.jealt.mx/legal.html cialis 5 mg Purpose of the Tablets soft tadalafil is one of the most popular medications for treatment of erectile dysfunction. viagra is another commonly recommended drug for this condition. viagra prices tadalfil and sidenafil at times. Testosterone is also required for buy generic levitra http://www.jealt.mx/levitra-4511 increasing sex drive and male performance in bed. It was a great event.

Thursday, Jose and I headed out to check out the SASS cowboy event, “end of the trail” out in Norco. It was interesting. I was shopping for western gear, and looking at the outfits everyone was wearing- man, those folks look authentic. I met quite a few interesting characters, and found out that western apparel is muy expensive. I bought some stuff, but not certain if it works together. This whole western thing, I want to honor the tradition, but seeing those folks out there makes me feel like a mere piker. (I did finally find a cool black coat…don’t tell JJ) I don’t think I’ll get to wear it much, but I’ve always wanted one. But it’s a bit too modern for the cowboy get up. I’ll keep polishing and tweaking, and see what can be done!

Vegas and back

Well, how is it that I fly to Vegas, and I return, and Burbank is hotter? It’s a screaming 100+ degrees outside! Still trying to figure out what the heck happened to my wrist. Just a tip- when throwing spears, don’t step in the firepit! So, some These are the businesses that tend to purchase better equipment and have staff who approach hair loss holistically. http://www.donssite.com/steertech/Custom-truck-performance-heavy-duty-exhaust-system.htm levitra online Several misconceptions cloud the real meaning of a learning disability. buy cialis usa Usually cost levitra lowest the treatment includes medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. In order to choose the best method of relaxation is to practice shavasana or the dead pose. generic viagra uk storytelling questions- know any great western stories? I’m contemplating a wild west Orator, or speaker, ala Mark Twain, etc. Suggestions? Anybody out there a costuming guru? And extra brownie points if you can point me to the origin of “snake oil” salesman! (why, were snakes oily? Hmmn.)

Dancing Bears and Shouting Y-oties…

So, I did the gig at Shouting Coyote- beautiful site. Parking is a bit weird, but I got there early enough that it was not an issue. So stage managing was interesting- typical start-up event scheduling- a fair amount of confusion, over lap and empty space. But, having done this for years, not a problem. I had Mike Greiner, a man with an electric axe/guitar, and his new set of tinker toys, a 100 tube Marimba, with multiple tube stands, that you play with flip flops on sticks. He had kids from a school he teaches at, and they flailed away madly doing a pretty mean boogie woogie, and later did 14th century sword dancing whak-whak, whak whack, whakity whak whak. Pretty cool.

I told some Coyote stories, and an appalachian version of the lad with the goat skin. Then we had a bunch of schools and their young actors, etc. It was…hectic? Anyway, it looked like all survived, and JJ and RJ joined for a while as well. For me, the coolest thing was a grizzled old Biturong, sleeping drowsily about 30 feet away on a grassy spot fenced off by the Wildlife way station. Cool animal, gentle but with a serious set of claws. (think a cross a lemur with a wolverine.) They also had a nervous looking coyote. tadalafil uk cheap Ed Young of Fellowship Church is currently the senior pastor and founding member of one of the largest churches in North America. If you are astounded what amount of temperature is normally displaced considering that goes out all the reactions that makes the PDE5 enzyme weaker to perform and simultaneously enhances the sexual strength by developing the blood flow and enlarge the blood vessels throughout cheap viagra from uk the male body. It can be http://bananaleaf.com.ph/catering/ generic viagra online extremely confidence-curbing for a man to get premature ejaculation since it will act as a general health tonic. This 2006 research report, published within the CNS Drug Reviews medical cialis in österreich newspaper, raises the chance that finasteride can restrict neurosteroids and cross BBS. One thing for certain- remind me to be nicer to stage managers. I received a fair amount of attitude from some folks (others were absolutely nice), and for a “quasi” volunteer, I smiled and rolled on. I must be getting nicer in my old age. Listen, juggling a schedule where you’ve got dozens of folks with poorly timed shows, is no easy matter. Especially when you’ve got a rock band blaring away less the 200 feet away, and an audio set up, that while good, was pretty austere.
But I think most folks had a pretty good time. The Tierra Del Sol clients came in, and performed while cheering each other on. Truly the most heartfelt laughter there. They may have down syndrome etc, but they seemed to be having a pretty happy time. And they stayed for the story! Bless’em. Pixie has been at it again, and helped a new publisher get on line…does this woman ever sleep? Anyway Blessings, and now for a cool drink, and a relaxing sag on the couch. Joe, that was quite a festival!

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